Palisade’s philosophy is to deliver secure long term returns, aligned with the interests of its investors and the community. Palisade recognises its duty to behave responsibly in its business activities and towards those whom its actions affect.

As an investment manager, Palisade believes that a high standard of business conduct as well as a responsible approach to social, environmental and ethical issues makes good business sense and is more likely to create sustainable value over the long term. Conversely, poor management of those issues may pose a risk to the reputation and value of businesses.

Palisade considers long-term environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in making investment decisions and in actively managing investments, encouraging better management of ESG factors and associated risks. Assets exhibiting strong ESG credentials are key to the alignment of the interests and objectives of investors with those of the communities served by the assets in which we invest.

Palisade is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), and has participated in the GRESB reporting process, representing a commitment to take ESG factors into account in our investment decision-making and management practices.

Palisade’s ESG Priorities

Palisade has identified several ESG priority areas which are core to the assets we manage and communities in which we invest on behalf of our clients, and which align with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Palisade believes that an ongoing focus on these areas, as well as workplace health and safety, are key to a sustainable investment approach.

Good governance

Good governance

Palisade believes that good governance is key to the management of risks and opportunities at both the corporate and asset level. This includes securing appropriate governance rights for new investments and providing oversight and strategic leadership to the assets we manage, including in relation to their supply chains.
Climate action

Climate action

Climate change has the ability to impact the performance of infrastructure assets. Understanding climate risks is integral to the assessment and mitigation of those risks, and the identification of potential opportunities. Palisade has developed a TCFD-aligned framework as part of its climate risk activities.
Palisade recognises that infrastructure assets can contribute to society’s carbon footprint. Aligned with the Paris Agreement, Palisade is committed to encouraging investment into lower carbon assets, such as renewable energy, and to seeking opportunities for the reduction of its existing footprint.
Supporting communities

Supporting communities

Palisade recognises the impact that our investments can have on the communities in which we operate. It is important to support and give back to these communities.
Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability

Infrastructure assets have an impact on the physical environments in which they are located. As a custodian of infrastructure assets, Palisade believes it has an obligation to minimise negative environmental impacts, and strive to contribute positively where possible.
Fostering diversity

Fostering diversity

Palisade recognises that diversity drives better performance. As such, achieving a achieving a diverse workplace is a priority for its own business and the businesses in which it invests.

Palisade – ESG Policy