Palisade Investment Partners (Palisade) is pleased to announce the launch of Palisade’s Feeder Infrastructure Trust (PFIT or the Fund). PFIT will invest into Palisade’s flagship open-ended diversified infrastructure fund, PDIF, which has generated a net total return for investors of 9.7% p.a. in the 10 years to 31 December 2023, with over 5% of that comprised of yield1.
PDIF’s portfolio currently comprises over 20 unlisted infrastructure assets in Australia and the US, including Sunshine Coast Airport, Gold Coast Light Rail, and Intera Renewables, Palisade’s proprietary renewables platform comprising over 1GW of utility scale wind and solar generation.
Palisade Executive Director, Andrew Killesteyn, said: “We are very pleased to bring this product to market and offer the ability for wholesale investors to access Palisade’s investment capability and include unlisted infrastructure as part of their broader portfolios. We have seen the benefit that this asset class has played in institutional portfolios in Australia over the last few decades and so we very much look forward to providing individual investors with that same experience.”
PFIT will seek to provide wholesale investors with long-term capital growth and stable distributions, with the added benefit of regular application and redemption windows (from 2026) and no capital calls.
Investors can currently access PFIT directly through Palisade’s website, with the intention of being available on multiple platforms in the coming months.
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