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Phaedra Fuller

Investor Relations

Phaedra joined Palisade in 2016, with a focus on investor and marketing communications, asset reporting, branding, desktop publishing, website and media updates.

Immediately prior to joining Palisade, Phaedra supported the Executive Co-Chairman at Luminis Partners assisting in his capacity as both financier and as a member of several Boards within The Arts.  This role also involved creating and managing the Luminis Foundation, a multi million dollar scholarship program.

Prior to this Phaedra was with Macquarie Group for nine years in a variety of roles. During her tenure she supported numerous Global Heads including that of Macquarie Capital’s Principal Investment team, acting as a global point of contact for all principal investment committee and administrative matters.

Phaedra holds a Bachelor of Art Theory History (B.Art.Th) from UNSW.